1-on-1 Support To Reach Your Goal
Industry Experience
I have years of industry experience as a developer, and as an interviewer.
I’m a Google Developer Expert, and have worked across startups and large, established companies.
I’ve worked with new grads, interns, and students and understand the unique challenges of learning something new and starting out in your career.
Personalized Support
We all have unique skills, goals, and circumstances.
I will work with you to understand where you’re at, and where you’ll need to go to reach your goals. Together, we can guide your learning experience and navigate career hurdles.

Why do you need a coach?
Navigating a career can be extremely challenging – especially early on.
Ever changing tools, endless conferences, updated recommendations, and lack of in-person learning opportunities all add to the challenge of learning a new skillset and building your ideal career.
Having a mentor, or coach, to help guide your learning and focus your efforts can be extremely valuable. They can help you understand difficult topics, give support and encouragement when things are touch, and help you find a new job.
What's Included?
How Will Coaching Help You Reach Your Goals?
1-on-1 Calls
We’ll schedule regular calls to check-in, discuss questions and challenges, review code, etc. This is our time to connect and dig into the big questions and challenges.
Direct Chat
You’ll have access to direct chat with me. This is a great place for questions, sharing of resources, and discussing anything that comes up during the week.
Code Review
Code review is a great way to discuss code, learn, and to improve your portfolio as you look to find your next job.
Interview Prep
We can work on interview skills such as live coding, your “elevator pitch”, Q&A, and more. We can even work through mock interviews to help you feel prepared and confident during your next interview.
Portfolio Review
We’ll have a chance to review your portfolio and online prescence. We can update your resume, your GitHub, and your LinkedIn profiles. I can also take a look at your website and other social media and give actionable advice to help find a job.
During our weekly calls, we might identify areas for practice and improvement. In theses instances, I may suggest or provide exercises to help practice important skills.
pick your support
We can find a level of support that is ideal for you and your goals
Need more, or less, support? We can work together to find a cadence that’s right for you.
Bi-Weekly Calls
Direct Chat
Portfolio Review
Interview Prep
Code Review
Weekly Calls
Direct Chat
Portfolio Review
Interview Prep
Code Review
Limited Availability
I would love to work with you, but also want to be sure I can assist you to the best of my abilities. To ensure each developer receives the level of support they deserve, I only take on a limited number of coaching clients at a time.